Celebrating Diversity at Scunthorpe Church Of England Primary
In our school, we celebrate the fact that many of our children speak more than one language and we recognise that our school community is enriched by this. We value the different languages and cultures that make up our school.
In our school the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all children are important. We encourage all children to achieve the highest possible standards. We do this through taking account of each child’s life experiences and needs.

The School has 73% of pupils that are EAL
23 languages are spoken in school
Our largest groups are white European 27%,
white British 27%,
Bangladeshi 20%
and other Asian 10%.
Parents are welcome at our school. There is a tea and toast session each week where any concerns can be discussed. Homework and letters are translated when necessary and we provide translators when needed for parent meetings.
We work together to:
We work together to:
- Provide our EAL pupils with a safe, welcoming, nurturing environment where they are accepted, valued and encouraged to participate
- Help children to speak, understand, read and write English
- Support the continued use of children’s home languages
- Provide EAL learners – particularly those who are New To English NTE - with a safe and welcoming environment where they are accepted, valued and encouraged to participate
- Provide English lessons in a small focussed group.
- Pair children with fluent English speaking pupils as much as possible to provide them with good models of English
- Provide support through ICT, video or audio materials, dictionaries and translators

Meet the Team
Mrs J McCann

Ms K Wolczynska
Ms I Jurgis

Ms V Bobac
Language Clubs
Lithuanian Club
Take a look at some of the activities the children have been doing in Lithuanian Club