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Holly Newell

Welcome to Year 4

Miss Newell

PE – is on a Monday and Friday (Swimming)

Please send your child to school in their school PE kit on a Monday and Friday and bring swimming kit on Friday.

Homework – Wednesday

Homework is given to the children to take home every Wednesday night.  The homework book and homework needs to be brought back to school the next Monday

Reading - Everyday

Reading books will be given out on a Friday. They can be changed. . We would love it if you could find 10 minutes every day to read with your child.  

Bedtime stories are a great way to introduce your child to new types of books.  If you don’t have any books at home, you can join the library for free!  Your child can also use the computers for half an hour for free at the library. 

After school club –    Basketball on a Tuesday, Football on a Wednesday and Multi-sports on a Thursday.

ks2 home learning


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