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What is a Church of England School?

Before the government became involved with providing education for everyone in England- there were church schools and other charitable schools. The majority of church schools were built in the 1800's.

 There were two requirements, the first to teach Christianity through "Religious Instruction" and the second to hold a regular act of worship.

When the state became involved with providing mass education, church schools became integrated into the education provided by the state. All these schools are known as maintained schools - they are funded by the state. All maintained schools including the Church school have to teach Religious Education and hold a daily act of worship. So church schools work on the same basis as community schools.

The purpose of a Church of England school is to offer a spiritual dimension to the lives of young people, within the traditions of the Church of England, in an increasingly secular world.

25% of primary schools in England have a Church foundation.


What is being added by being a Church of England school?

Church school have Christian beliefs and values at their heart. This means that every child and adult associated with the school is not just important because they are members of the school but because they are seen as unique individuals within God's creation.
Church schools recognise that as well as academic and emotional intelligence human beings also have spiritual intelligence. The spiritual aspects of life will be recognised, and nurtured alongside the academic and emotional needs of all.
Church schools are places where challenge through questioning is encouraged as through this we can make sense of the world, the gift of life and the purpose of our own personal lives.
The purpose of a Church of England school is to offer a spiritual dimension to the lives of young people, within the traditions of the Church of England, in an increasingly secular world.

What differences should you notice ?

As a parent, pupil, visitor or member of staff you will find that the aim is to offer the best education, as other schools would, but the way in which the school works is different and distinctive. This distinctive difference is rooted in our Christian values and vision which are balanced to include all cultures and faiths. We serve our diverse community and work hard to support the needs of it within the guidance of the Church of England. The way in which everyone behaves and the way in which everyone is respected and values all children and adults’ whatever culture or religious background is the backbone of the school; rooted in the theology and teachings of the church. This means that every child and adult associated with the school is not only important because they are members of the school but also because they are seen as unique individuals within God’s creation.

What else?

The school is led by a Headteacher who is committed, with the help of staff, to maintain the Christian character of the school. All children engage meaningfully in a daily act of worship and reflection. 5% of curriculum time is devoted to Religious Education. The school observes the major Christian festivals and those of the religions to which it services within the school community. All children of other faiths are able to and encouraged to mark their major festivals with integrity and reflection. Similarities are discussed between faiths and that of the Christian Faith. It maintains and develops an active relationship with the church of St George’s and St Lawrence and ensures that the school makes appropriate use of understanding where the chosen scripture quote for the school is rooted and develops as the children move through the school years.

Our last church inspection was June 2024 where we were judged as living up to our foundation as a Church school.

Click on the document above to read what the inspector thought of our school!

Developing Spirituality at Scunthorpe CofE.

developing spirtulality
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