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Mrs Coward

Year 5

Mrs K Coward

PE – is on a Wednesday and Friday

Please send your child to school in their new School PE kit on a Wednesday and Friday.

Homework – Spellings and Maths Wednesday 

Spelling and maths homework will be sent home weekly on a Wednesday. This can be returned by the following Monday

Reading –   

Bedtime stories are a great way to introduce your child to new types of books. Please enjoy a story with your child at home. If you don’t have any books at home, you can join the library for free!  

After school club â€“ Basketball on a Tuesday, Multi-sports on a Thursday and Football on a Friday.


ks2 home learning

Class Photos


Exploring Gravity

Looking at Art created by Stephanie Peters

Natural Disaster Art


Science Week

Get Ahead - Golf

Holocaust Museum

Design through making - Air Raid Shelters

The Trinity using Möbius strips

Yoga in RE

A visit to the Library

Testing Air resistance


Expanding our Sketchbooks

DT - Electrical Systems

World Book Day

Open Afternoon

First Aid


Gander Farm

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