Welcome to Year 2
Mrs Fish and Mrs Lefley
PE – is on a Tuesday and Friday
Please send your child to school in their new School PE kit on a Tuesday and Friday
Homework – Friday
Homework will be sent home every Friday. This can be returned by the following Monday.
Spelling Test - Friday
New spellings will be send every Friday.
Reading - Home- Thursday Returned- Monday
Your child will take a reading book home that they have read three times with a grown up in school. These books will be sent home on a Thursday . We would love it if you could find 10 minutes every day to read with your child. When you have listened to your child read, please sign their reading record. This book then needs to be returned by Monday .
Bedtime stories are a great way to introduce your child to new types of books. If you don’t have any books at home, you can join the library for free! Your child can also use the computers for half an hour for free at the library.
After school club – Multisports on a Monday