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Welcome to Year 2

Mrs Neall and Mrs Lefley

PE – is on a Wednesday and Thursday

Please send your child to school in their new School PE kit on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Homework – Wednesday

Homework will be sent home every Wednesday. This can be returned by the following Friday.

Reading - Home-  Returned- Monday

Your child will take a reading book home that they have read three times with a grown up in school. These books will be sent home on a Thursday . We would love it if you could find 10 minutes every day to read with your child.  When you have listened to your child read, please sign their reading record. This book then needs to be returned by Monday

Bedtime stories are a great way to introduce your child to new types of books.  If you don’t have any books at home, you can join the library for free!  Your child can also use the computers for half an hour for free at the library. 

After school club – Multisports on a Monday



Class Photos

Visiting Scunthorpe

UK - Map work

The Big Draw

A visit from a nurse

The Deep

Growing your own!

Glow in the dark dodge ball

Easter Bonnets

William Morris

Collecting Information

Georgia O’Keeffe

Outdoor Maths

Levers and Linkages

Colour Mixing - Shades and Tints

Ton Schulten

Remembrance Day.

Invasion Games

Mr and Mrs Twit

World Book Day

DT- A healthy Diet

What have we learnt about Bangladesh?

First Aid

Planting bulbs and pelargoniums.

Rule of Law


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