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School Uniform

Our Uniform:

- A royal blue sweatshirt (optional school logo - available online or the school office)

- white polo tshirt

School Uniform can be bought : online at https://www.hogarthuniform.co.uk/collections/scunthorpe-church-of-england-primary-school

OR through the school office 

OR 'Non logo' from any Supermarket/Primark

PE Kit

Pe Kit consists of

- white t-shirt

- black shorts or black leggings/tracksuit bottoms

- plimsols or trainers (for outdoor). 

Children will be asked to come to school in PE kit on their PE day (information on PE days can be found on class pages).

Reception children will be gifted PE uniform ready to start PE in the spring term.

Extra PE kit can be bought: Online at https://www.hogarthuniform.co.uk/collections/scunthorpe-church-of-england-primary-school 

OR through the school office/local supermarkets/Primark





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